Friday 13 September 2019

Film Festival Practice

WALT use different camera angles. 
I liked that we had to work together.
I am sorry that it had glitched out.
we had to film the video 3 or 4 times to get different camera angles than we edit the video so it would make sent to people. In my group are Meka, yazmin, Liam, Katelyn, and miss farr.
by Meka


  1. Thankyou for teaching me a knew lesson and our school is bully free.

  2. WOW thank you for such an interesting thing about bulling, and how by standing up for the people getting bullied get be helpful and teach the bullies a lesson about what would happen.

  3. Hi my name is Natagaret I am from St Pius Catholic School I really enjoy your guys video because it has lots of action. Next time you guys should speak louder don't be shy okay...we begin filming for our film this week!

  4. Hi my name is Francis. I am from Saint Pius X Catholic School.
    I really enjoyed your Movie because the idea is a great idea and sometimes there is bullying in we flipped anti bullying week and focused on Kindness. I hope I can see that movie sometime, we are busy getting our film ready for the Manaiaklani Film Festival. Our movie is about what is going on in our brains if you wanted to know. We got our movie idea from this neuroscience woman because she came with some brains and we wondered what could be going on in our brains?.
    Here is my Question.
    Did it take you long to practice and to plan your movie or was it just like "Snap we got our Movie Idea".

  5. hi my name is Dereon,
    your blog is about standing up for yourself? I think so. by the way I think your blog is fantastic. There's nothing more but keep standing up for your friends

  6. Hi it is Angus from Whenua I like the fact the you did a video about bullying and how to solve the problem


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